I have a bot key on 21 session (login + pass). The client of a bot very often crashes. Thus, WOW doesn't fall, but them it is necessary to restart all. On the same computer I start other key on 3 sessions (only login) and it continues to work and doesn't crash. Excuse me for bad English
I have updated HB, but it crash. It breaks the long time, more than two months. A problem not in the HB, because on the same client XB and same PC, at use of a new key on 3 sessions HB not crash.
Try a fresh installation. Download the new client into a new folder. Delete the copy that is not working. You may copy your plugins in most cases.
[18:22:08:956] Session is invalid! it looks like you are loosing the connection to our servers add an exception on your firewall about Hb
Firewall was disable completely. HB is crash at the same time on 3 PC with different channels of the Internet. But "Session is invalid!" only on HB with 21 sessions. At the same PC good works HB with 3 sessions. For this evening it was necessary to restart all clients WOW more than 10 times. There are no forces more (