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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Zettizzz, Feb 20, 2011.

    1. Zettizzz

      Zettizzz Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Please explain this..

      if i have bought Gatherbuddy for 25 EUR (as i did way back) i will now get Honorbuddy2 for 1 year for free? But in order to fly in both GB and HB2 i will have to buy a Key every 30 days instead of buying the gatherbuddy-key every 30 days (for 5 EUR)?

      So can i now log in to HB2 with my GB pass and username without buying the flying-key and just use my ground mount?

      thank you in advance.
    2. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There is a DIfference between:

      Gatherbuddy Standalone Bot and

      Gatherbuddy2 Bot for Honorbuddy

      You do not need any Plugin Key for Gatherbuddy, there is no Field to ad anything like that anyway.

      As long as your Gatherbuddy 25.00 EUR Invoice is not older than 1 year, you can use it to login in Honorbuddy with it.

      However when you want to use AB2 and GB2 in flight mode, only then you need the Paid Plugin Key.

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