It doesn't matter what the email said about why you were banned. Abuse of the Economy is a generic reason that they use for any number of reasons, including none at all. I see people trying to understand the why behind their bans, when the answer is staring them in the face. You cheated, it doesn't matter if it was botting or if it was gold selling. The point is all it takes it one person to think that you might be botting for you to get a report. If that happens to be enough to trigger someone looking at your account then you'll likely get banned. It doesn't even matter if you were staring at the screen at the time. AFK/non-AFK it doesn't matter every time you bot or break the rules you run the risk of being banned. We all roll the dice and if we get the wrong result we get banned. The point is NO ONE should be blaming anyone but themselves. We are all breaking the rules and there is excuse that makes that not a bannable offense. Make up all the rationalizations why you don't deserve it and someone else deserves it more, but it doesn't matter. We all have a number on our heads and it will come some day. When it does know it was coming and move on.
but i have read and accepted the EULA we all deserve this and we know it try to appeal, try to do your best to get your account back and that leaves you 2 options 1. you got your acc back? happy 2. they say you are perma'd so stfu? buy a new account and start botting again. they only ban your wow account, not your HB key, so get back to the business and stop crying
exactly, if they wanted to ban you for botting, they would say use of third party! by accusing us of something were not they are just giving us the right to appeal.. third party ban today i wouldn't have appealed.. abuse of economy, im appealing..cant lose anything
dude...i got the email want me to post again? short version: recieved this email after the perma ban...
rly? 2 accounts got perma banned recieved the emails, abuse the crap but i have recieved an email saying banned for 72 hours for using 3rd party program are you confused? hell, i am
depends if you actually did or not! if you have been selling gold/abusing the AH the evidence will be stacked against you, i genuinely havnt, hence why im giving it a go
This.....100 times this. Just take your lumps and move on. There is no hysteria needed. If you like, post a ban report but please don't go looking for ban waves in every email.
No it doesn't matter if they say 3rd party or Abuse of the Economy. By all means try and get your account back, but the "reason" they put on your email is irrelevant. So they say that you got banned for Abuse of the Economy and you never sold gold, it doesn't matter. Your appeal is going to say the same thing likely, I didn't do whatever it is you think I did. Sometimes they unban it sometimes they don't. I've been through so many of these its not even funny and in every single one, it was never a situation of being able to "logic" my way out of the ban. I either got someone who believed that I didn't break the rules or felt kind enough to unban my account. You'll never get the email that says you were right, your logic supersedes our original findings. No they either have the evidence or they don't. Its stupid to think that you are going to be able to argue that you weren't selling gold. That's like saying that you don't deserve to go jail for bank robbery because they are charging you with speeding during your flee from the bank, but in reality you drove the speed limit. You still robbed the bank...