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  • [PAID] TheBrodieMan Productions - Pilgrim's Bounty

    Discussion in 'Neutral' started by thebrodieman, Nov 26, 2015.

    1. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      TheBrodieMan Productions - Pilgrim's Bounty​

      This profile will perform the following tasks:
      -- All Yellow quests relating to cooking and the tables
      -- All 5 dailies relating to cooking (Will only take the Bounty as a reward at this time)
      -- Grind cooking up when it can to make sure we have the needed skill for all 5 dailies (using the holiday materials/recipes)

      Achievements you will get!
      -- Sharing is Caring
      -- "FOOD FIGHT!"
      -- Pilgrim's Paunch
      -- Now We're Cookin'
      -- Pilgrim's Progress

      You can purchase this profile here.

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    2. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      This profile set is currently under construction. It will be made available as soon as it is completed and approved by HB Store personnel.

      At the time of this posting, I have finished Horde dailies and achievements. Working on Alliance now, but it is Thanksgiving and I won't be working TOO much today.
      I understand that this is a very short holiday stretch, but I've done my best so far to try and get it done asap for everyone. I hope it meets everyone's standards.
    3. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Standalone version is queued for testing.
      Users of my holiday package and complete package can use now!
    4. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      There is a known issue on loading for alliance. It is missing logic code for characters outside EK or Kalimdor when moving to determine where to start. Please (for now, until fix) load from the Pilgrims Bounty/Scripts folder, recommended starting with Stormwind and Ironforge profile. The plugin will try the auto loader, so if you see "nothing to do" this is why.

      This profile CAN be started from anywhere, even with this issue. You just need to start the area you want's profile, it will handle all the rest, including switching between continents for dailies.

      EDIT: The issue actually doesn't seem to exist. I thought I had forgotten a section of code, looks like its in there already. :)
      Last edited: Nov 27, 2015

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