how do i do it? i am leveling a lvl 22 (atm) shaman. i heard i can "boost" my RaF account so hes lvl 22 with me. how do i run 2 wow's at the same time? does RaF work up to 85? 80? or what? sorry.... i have no idea how RaF works... can someone please englightment me and tell me other info about it?
If you are reffering to the Blizzard Recruit-A-Friend program, the experience bonus and ability to summon only works up until level 60. In addition, you need to be grouped with the other toon, and you need to be within exp distance for the exp bonuses to work. Questing or instances is the fastest way to quest with the RAF exp bonus. Try instancebuddy on both toons, with mixed mode set to grind. Set the shammy to be the healer and have fun! To run 2 wows at a time just open wow.exe twice. I like to use windowed mode so I can move the windows around. It helps to have multiple monitors, one per wow.
you mean IB is competent enough to heal me, my RaF and 3 randoms? i was gonna use Tuba's 1-65 Horde profile! and man blizz is lame for it not working to 85! but you never answered my Q silly how does this "Booster" work about granting levels? thats what confuses me the most! thanks for hleping me
for every 2 levels your RAF account levels he can grant your a character on your main account levels, the catch is its only for every 2 levels you gain you get one grant a level, e.g on your main account level a character up to 30 then if your RAF account is level 59 (becasue you can only grant levels too toons that are lower levels then you) he can grant you levels right up to 60, so really you gain 2 characters for 1, ( The RAF toon, the charater on your main account that you leveled with your RAF toon to gain the 3x xp, then the new toon that got the granted levels) hope that helps you