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  • This bot has downs.

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Phelon, Jun 21, 2016.

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    1. Phelon

      Phelon Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The logic on this bot is just absolutely horrible for Shaman. Misplay after misplay. It is painful to watch. A deck that can go legend by hand and the bot can barely take it to Rank 10. How does it fuck up something so simple as shaman? Literally FACE FACE FACE Lust FACE Doomhammer Biter FACE.


      We have Totem Golem Feral Spirit x2 and Flame Juggler on the board. Opponent has Emp Thur at 1 health. Ignores Emp and goes face on mage. TWO TURNS IN A ROW letting Emp Live with 1 health and reducing the cost of his spells THREE TIMES. G FUCKIN G.

      Opponent has full board of 1 and 2 cost minions. I have 2x AoE Lightning spells in hand. Turn 5 he plays a 4 cost thing of the deep instead of 1x lightning and a totem that could have cleared the board.

      I have almost lethal with bloodlust and 5 2-3 cost minions on the board. He has 3 4-5 cost minions, I play totem golem and go face into minions to clear losing all but totem golem.

      The fact it uses Rock Biter to go face into and kill mobs instead of saving it for Doomhammer.

      Used a Doomhammer to go twice face into a Antonidas and then using a mob to kill it when it could have just killed it with 2 minions. Thanks for that 14pts to do 4 damage... Derp.

      The list goes on, but this bot is beyond bad logic wise. I will post my entire log folder and you can dig through it to find the instances if you so desire.

      Rant Off.
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      use support issues section providing your log files plz

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