Okay, so I bought HB about a week ago. I had problems starting it up, sometimes it would work, sometimes it wouldn't.. sometimes I would quest for awhile, sometimes it would randomly stop. It's ridiculous. Now it won't even start at all. I'm using Kicks profiles, using the questing portion of the bot. I'm currently a level 44 Shadow Priest (it's botted to that level itself). Now it's just sitting here in Eastern Plaguelands doing nothing, the bot is saying Loading tile/s. But it's been saying that for about 20 minutes. Long story short.. this bot is very glitchy. Have I installed something wrong? It works sometimes for 20 minutes and then stops and I have to restart WoW and the bot.. HELP PLEASE!
"So i bought HB about a week ago" TL;DR, obviously does not know how to use the bot properly and assumes the bot is broken automatically.
lol "it's not working for me cus I didn't do some proper reading on how to use this, it must be broken"
Read your log, it was questing fine for ages and ten stopped to load tiles for 1 minute before you stopped it. Plz just dont touch it! Leave it to load
Well, so far I've just been getting trolled. Sorry I buy something brand new and not know everything about it. I did do reading. The bot didn't work. If you guys are so smart tell me how to fix it then, my friend even sent me his file of the bot and even his didn't work, but it works for him. This is awful.
Ok MadDog, I just restarted WoW and everything. I'm going to time how long it takes to load the tile/s.
Now it's just saying "Moving to type: QuestPickup" But not moving at all. (P.S) I'm not saying this bot sucks. I just need help trying to get this working.