Only after the most recent update and i getting the following error when running the launcher: I know the work around by running wow in 32 bit and just running the HB exe but this is an issue. After much searching i see you are blaming it on the operating system however after much testing and screwing with the registry i am unable to locate a bug. However its no uncommon for the lnk association to break. This is easily rectified by upadting the registry values from a system that isnt broken or running microsoft fixits Any help would be appreciated as i would like to state again this was working fine a few hours ago before i updated HB and after updating it no longer works.
This does not work, i have done this and more. This is not a fix I said this in my post " This is easily rectified by upadting the registry values from a system that isnt broken or running microsoft " Also this is not a viable fix IF it works for some as not everyone has a second computer at home.
the issue you are describing has nothing to do with Hb itself,its OS related you can also google it and try to find a solution