Ever occured to you that Blizzard MIGHT not really use LCP detection or check on peoples NPH (not saying they dont). Maybe they just track how much you are flying around. Wouldnt that be easier? Script ban people with the Highest Mileage and keep it simple? You fly more than the average player and you get flagged or something. If thats a possibility there will NEVER be a safe way to gather ore, no matter how human the bot would behave if you are long enough out there you will get script banned. I guess some people will complain like "I only farmed 10 minutes and got banned" the bot itself is detectable and we only need to improve the bot base blah blah blah. Maybe blizzard dont really need high tech stuff to know that you're botting and that is also a tool they use against overflowing of botters just plain old common sense. Let me know what you think I apreciate the feedback.
I don;t think so. I sometimes get bans on the first, second or third day of the botting day. What we see here on ban section is almost 70% of the threads about being banned because of gatherbuddy. You would hardly see a ban because of grinding or others. So LCP should work both on land and air, shouldn't it? But the bots in air get most banns than the other.
I thought there was a way through numlock to "fly" one way without more mouseclicks. we can asume if the use an autoban algorithmus it must be an time depending algorithmus. If they just count collected nodes or miles they would ban all players who play the game for a long time. An 8 year account would have more nodes / miles than any bot would be able to collect within several month. So they must use anything divided throuh a time. Maybe nodes per hour, nodes per month , miles per month etc. It doesn't realy matter what they used exactly. Blizzard must not ban legit players who play the game so we can also assume there limits for all these values, if you stay below you can't be banned (again, if and only if they use something like max nodes per hour and so one).
It?s really more simple then all your thoughts: Use GB2 and you will receive a bann on 100% I?ve tried another bot. Same behaviour as on GB2. No Suspensions, no banns. I?ve never changed my NPH or the way I flight. Blizz has all eyes on HB/ GB. It?s just that simple.
Anyone else think that HB is the most banned bot when used to gather? Ive only used other 2 bots and they were terrible to bot with.
i farm several times some herbs for my persoanl usage (with gatherbuddy2). no ban yet. Of course this doesn't say gatherbuddy is safe but it says 100 % ban with gatherbuddy2 is a lie. You can argument the chance is very high - okay I can't refute this - I can only say it isn't 100 %
Sry that i answere to an old thread, but i wanna say, that blizz keeps 100% a script running to detect bot behavior. I dont realy know how the script works but i think it is based for example on: - ore over hour - ore over week - ore over online activity - only herbing and no other activitys - OR JUST LIKE THAT ... i dont know that exactly I belief in that, because one of my bot accounts has been banned for using GB2 and i startet to appeal that ban. I talked to a GM in live chat and he said things like I described in the specification above. He said too, that I should go raid and do quest ... bla bla bla.. act like human, than you wont get a ban one more time. The bot runs every day 10 hours on a seperated IP over a pro xy in netherlands.
A client using directx 9, x86, and click to move. It puts a target on our head - as combined, those 3 settings can't be very common, and I would certainly be using them as a first level filter when trying to detect honor buddy bots. Unlike pretty much everything else about the bot, these things are set in stone, and it concerns me.
Lot of tinfoil hats in here. I do agree with Canax, that would give a target. IMO, when blizzard isnt busy, bans are fast and hard, they are busy right now and we are being left alone. It boils down to being smart.
I've been botting for years and the only time i've been banned, which is 1 time btw. I was botting 24/7 I use BGbuddy and GB2 and all bots with not even a hint of a ban, I have even spoken to GM's while botting. Stop being idiots and blaming the bot
It's not hard setting up scripts in your mind. But reality is a different story. You need to consider processing power computing variables from 5-9 million active subscribers and a fuckton of if arguments... Atm the only one I can say with 99.99% confident is true is that: If online time >90% during a 2 week period you will get banned.