I'm wondering how to pull data from a table provided by an addon. The example is TSM's ItemTracker. It shows a list of all the items I've dealt with, and where I'm interested, how many I currently have. How can I pull out how many of the first item I have in my bags? I see the value in the table but cant get a macro working to call it. The format of the table: ITEM NAME | BAG# | BANK#| MAIL# | GB# | AH# | TOTAL| I used FrameStack to see that the area is identified as "ScrollTable1Ro1Col2", but I cant seem to get that value. I started off checking through the addon files to see if I could just call a "GetCount(ITEMID)" type function, but my programming skills are still low lol. Ideally I'd be able to have a macro press it and have it tell me how many of XYZ I have. If this is in the wrong area, apologies.