I've finished two of the new Instances (4.3 instances) with TEST HB (v2.0.0.5445) / LazyRaider / UpaCCBT Paladin Healer CC without any problem. However when I do the 3rd new instance (Hour of Twilight), I get a Tilemap error. Here's the error: Code: [21:07:02:425] Starting the bot! [21:07:02:712] Received error code from mesh server when attempting to get tile map for TheHourOfTwilight: File not found [21:07:02:755] Failed to get tile map for TheHourOfTwilight! [21:07:02:756] Tilemap is null! [21:07:02:757] Stop called!
Just found this lil bug out myself, my 27k ele shaman just pulled 10k manually.. Gah, i forgot how to play