Is there anyway to lessen it? It seems fairly obvious when it takes the bot so long to hit face with 7 minions. I dont think it was always like this so i recently downloaded a brand new HB to make sure. Still seems kinda slow. Thanks.
give us your log file plz
Oh ok well it just seems extremely slow. When i have so many minions on the field it seems like such an obvious bot. When i face people now i can spot it. After you read this maybe delete the thread.
I dont have a virus but I am typically doing a lot @ once. Like skyping/watching a stream while the bot plays. As I said though, I can tell when other people now are too. So its not just me.
Antiviruses tend to do scans the whole time the bot is going because the bot is constantly using the files to make event-oriented decisions of what cards to play. I had to go into my antivirus and allow hearthbuddy to go without being scanned before it started going smoothly.
I dont use an anti virus, im not a scrub. My only startup programs or services are my drivers as well. AS I SAID I CAN NOW TELL WHEN PEOPLE I FACE ARE BOTS, BECAUSE THE TIME IT TAKES FOR THE MINIONS TO DO THEIR ACTION
It is not his pc or something. The time between attacks is generally really really (too) long. Can confirm that.