This is just a tip that would be smart to follow to cover your ass in case of a ban. I didn't follow this the first time I got banned, and had to build my way back up from nothing. -- Tip: Save a percentage of each sale you get from Selling gold. It will add up and in the future cover your ass from a ban ( allow you to buy a 80$ WOTLK account) or you may not of been banned in that time, and you can use it to buy another account. -- I was dumb, and when I sold gold I didn't save anything except to cover the monthly fee, and it bit me in the ass when I got banned.
Yep, the best thing to do is keep $500 botting cash on hand (from gold selling) and then anything after that is "spending cash" as $500 will get you ~6 accts up and running. (classic + bc + LK) but its going to go up a lot higher now that Cata is going to be released. hopefully blizz will make a classic + bc + LK xpac thats only $40 like the current classic + bc chest
Yeah, It would be nice if they did a pack like that, but it'd probably be like 45-50$.. but you never know... blizzard is very mysterius