Yesterday I received an unconditional offer for a HNC in computer games software development it will allow me to progress to second year of this degree course. The HNC covers Java programming and also a programming language called "Dark Basic", that to be honest I have never heard of. I picked up a book "Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day" that I have been going through but it seems to just give explanations of C++ and does not have anything in the way of exercises in it for you to complete much as the same way as learning to do maths. Is there any sites on the web that you guys would recommend?, that give exercises to complete in order to learn C++ thanks
If you dont have any programming exp.. then DO not Start with C++ its all to big.. Go start with C# Easy to learn and can do alot of things in it. Then if you want move on to c++
As I tell everyone, start with C++. Once you understand C/C++, you can jump into C#, Delphi, VB, etc, etc, very easily. People have a hard time going from C# to C++ due to the massive change in the way things work. (Going from C++ to C# on the other hand, is like a god-send for the lazy programmer.)
I started with Qbasic . then moved on to C and started learning C++, took long break and now learning C#
I honestly recommend starting with Java. Visual basic is an extremely easy language to use due to it's english-language style of programming and lack of things suck as semi-colons, but you pick up bad habbits using VB. C# is also decent to start with, but Java seems to gives you the basis to allow you to move on to anything else. Once you've mastered a programming language, all others are simply the same but with different syntax (with the exception of C++ and C).