In a raiding guild right now, just picked up farming with gb. I know its a bad idea to bot your main toon but i want to get ready for spamming hc's. So do any one have any thoughts on the matter?
I doubt it matters in the long run. However, when I see toons farming I'm more likely to suspect they are botting if they are unguilded. So, I take the extra precaution of creating bank alt guilds or joining a lowbie guild.
it's easier if you just stick your bots in your raiding guild and let the guildies know they're your 1-20 bots that supply them w/ cheap herbs / ore / etc. And have badboy addon (or something else) auto reply for you to say "go away"
Fortunantly my guild knows. They have known since 05 that I bot. Wasnt going to tell them till my nub wife says to them in guild chat when they asked why I wasnt replying, "oh hes not here, hes got the computer playing for him". Luckly they are great online friends and was always giving them gold and mats for nothing. I do think its risky though, I even made a seperate guild for all my bots, main account or no, and had the pure farmers in it.
That is really funny haha. Too the OP I wouldn't stay in a raiding guild with your bots. My cousin had his alt paladin in the guild. Farming herbs+mines 24/7. Anyways argument with a guildy and voil?. Within hours the whole server knew + people reported him. Till the day of today he still isn't banned and continues to bot(name change) but I still think it's rather risky.