Hi I made a grinding profile but when my bags are full or if I need repair my toon tries to use a regular mount to get to the repair point and will not fly.
The grind area is near the ICC entrance in ice crown and the repair and mailbox is close by in dalaran so the toon needs to fly to get there.
I also tested the profile at the repair point in dalaran to see if my toon will fly to the hot spot but it says it cant find a path.
View attachment Icecrown Instant spawn.txt
The grind area is near the ICC entrance in ice crown and the repair and mailbox is close by in dalaran so the toon needs to fly to get there.
I also tested the profile at the repair point in dalaran to see if my toon will fly to the hot spot but it says it cant find a path.
[10:07:56 AM:146] Could not generate path from {5853.796, 1723.337, 805.7388} to {6108.949, 1919.609, 632.5789} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[10:07:56 AM:276] Loading Northrend_27_21
[10:07:56 AM:448] Could not generate full path from {5853.259, 1727.941, 806.3984} to {6108.949, 1919.609, 632.5789} (time used: 173 milliseconds)
<Name>Icecrown Instant spawn</Name>
<Vendor Name="Dubin Clay" Entry="34252" Type="Repair" X="5917.979" Y="670.2131" Z="643.4971" />
<Mailbox X="5925.632" Y="645.1312" Z="645.5209" />
<Hotspot X="6075.511" Y="1927.879" Z="632.8312" />
<Hotspot X="6108.949" Y="1919.609" Z="632.5789" />
<Hotspot X="6058.229" Y="1902.043" Z="632.5781" />
<Hotspot X="6083.771" Y="1944.562" Z="632.5787" />
View attachment Icecrown Instant spawn.txt