I gotta say this sounds rather unnerving, what exactly is this and how will it help me as a paranoid newbie?
Basically, this is the safest bot you will use so have faith, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. I cannot remember the definition exactly, I believe it's dealing with warden.
Hi, Arcamean, Cocaine is spot on with this. You can find all we're willing to say about Tripwire in this article: HelpDesk: WoWclient "Patch Recovery" blues cheers, chinajade
Oh no no I'm not looking for inside information, I was more curious If I needed to setup any extra protection on MY end heh. No I'm quite content to wait for a stable build, that LFR loot isn't going to drop anywho if I go.
I gotta say after reading exactly what tripwire is I feel quite safe using honorbuddy. I still understand the risk involved especially since I've been banned twice (Which I don't mind) but its nice to know that an eye is kept on blizzard to ensure we're safe.
If you are a paranoid newbie I wouldn't worry about tripwires and wardens and such. no one's been banned from that for many years. you need to worry more about HOW you use the bot, and on what account. because HB users do get banned, and at a pretty high rate. If you want to solve 90% of your ban issues, don's use gatherbuddy and don't run anything on HB completely AFK for hours on end. and simply don't use it on some 8 year old account you can't afford to lose, buy another WoW and bot there.
What he said. My personal account never saw a bot. Don't bot with an account that YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO LOOSE.