hey erm basically i want to level a troll druid i have 1 peice of heirloom for it (shoulders) thats it Plugins: anti drown, Jumpy , autoequip + the one u need to use for kicks profiles - im using 1 -5 troll subprofile (kicks) and it starts off all fine going well does a few quests and then when it gets to learn rejuvination instead of learning it at the trainer he is standing next to he runs like 2k yards to senjin village learns the spell then comes back practices it does the quest and then boom it doesnt do anything else from there it just randomly starts killing boars and wildmere cats and doesnt carry on with the quest chain any help again would be much appreciated
Moving to Type: Train, Name: Den'chulu - instead of just using the trainer right at the starting area den'chulu (senjin village) then it completes the class quest doesnt carry on with the quest chain and just starts killing these bores and wildmere cats
dev tools middle left select the trainer press copy xml then in the log window of hb - select and copy that into here
Vendor Name="Zen'tabra" Entry="38243" Type="Repair" X="-1175.598" Y="-5540.39" Z="11.94129" /> Information about Zen'tabra Name = Zen'tabra Wowhead Id = 38243 Faction = 126 [Darkspear Trolls] Location = <-1175.598, -5540.39, 11.94129>
<Vendor Name="Zen'tabra" Entry="38243" Type="Train" TrainClass="Druid" X="-1175.598" Y="-5540.39" Z="11.94129" /> added i need to go and re-do the 1-15's for all races (except goblin) atm i'm working on LK