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  • Troll Farming On Isle.

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Kryp, Mar 24, 2013.

    1. Kryp

      Kryp New Member

      Jul 27, 2012
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      Was wondering if anyone could make a farming profile that all they do is just farm the trolls in the za'tual area. I'm currently working on the achievement Zandalari Library Card and its kicking my ass at the moment. I tried using a lot of the black prince rep grinds as a profile, but because I maxed out to exalted the day 5.2 hit, they don't seem to work.


      edit: would be great to also look out for your weekly treasure chest too, don't know if thats possible.
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2013
    2. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      On my SVN, I have a profile for "Black Prince Rep grind. It carries no determination code, so it can easily be used as an item farming profile, and sticks to Za'Tual, and the immediate surrounding area. It won't, however, seek out and use chests, but I plan to make a profile for that after the full island opens, and can search the whole thing.

      Good luck!

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