Hi just wondering if anyone else is getting troll raid errors and knows how to fix them? I was getting them using Felslate mining profile in Suramar. Couldn't find anything about it on that forum, a wild search through the forums for it didn't really give me much. I did a fresh install which seemed to work for a while then got the error again. Then I just restarted Honorbuddy which is working so far. It's not a huge problem just want to get rid of it to be able to afk [05:40:31.523 N] Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <2180.759, 5495.198, 95.72065> View attachment 1784 2016-09-17 13.21.txt
I've been getting this error too with the highmountain quest pack. Just started out of nowhere while i was watching it. I deleted the cache folder and it started working again. Not sure if it's related or not. Maybe just restarting the bot was all that was needed.
When I met this problem, I turn to coordinate just near by, Toon go; And I go back this coordinate, It show this information again. Then I set a Blockspot at this coordinate, it goes. I find two place show this problem X="-571.9648" Y="5639.514" Z="32.0851" X="1554.442" Y="4477.604" Z="129.9711"