Hey there since quite some time i often have atleast on one of my chars a very long afk duration while farming in suramar, i tried to fix it with blackspots but it only helps in rare occasions. I got this problem for quite some time now and hope anyone can help me, heres a log of one of them from today. View attachment 4568 2017-01-25 07.05.txt i shortened the massive part off here but u get the spirit of it. I have plenty of other of these incase u need them. Hope someone can clear things up.
I have the Problem when the Bot dont find a Path to the Ground.. With a Warrior and i rush to an enemy on a little hill and there is no way down or the bot dont find them i think. Sorry for my bad english know how
Awesome tony, pleasure as always ;* Would u be so kind and bump this if its solved or something similar ? I would love that so much.
I just wanted to explain him how the error comes to me. This happens to me when the bot no longer finds a way to the Mesh i think.