It starts up then crashes a few seconds after My log shows this 2015-01-18 05:36:54,836 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15 2015-01-18 05:36:55,051 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15 2015-01-18 05:45:11,918 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthbuddy [0.3.807.112] is up to date! 2015-01-18 05:45:13,754 [1] INFO Logger (null) - T: 5247257585551247402 H: 2751817295 2015-01-18 05:45:14,209 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthbuddy Version: 0.3.807.112 Path: C:\Users\<Username>\Desktop\Hearth\Hearthbuddy.exe OS Name: Windows 7 OS Edition: Ultimate OS Service Pack: Service Pack 1 OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 OS Architecture: x64 .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18444 2015-01-18 05:45:18,061 [8] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthstone client version (7234, 76637) 2015-01-18 05:45:18,120 [8] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IBot> - Initializing 2015-01-18 05:45:19,562 [8] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheCustomDecks = False.
And with the beta i get this it will sometimes when i reinstall it start up but immediately goes to "not responding" til i close it