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  • Troubles with Store and Buddy Auth

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by thehen8686, Sep 21, 2014.

    1. thehen8686

      thehen8686 New Member

      Oct 4, 2012
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      Here's the deal I am trying to use Kick's Profiles to level, and since they are no longer under the SVN I have been encountering issues. Reading up I found that they are now able to be streamed from the Buddy Store. I headed over to Buddy Auth Portal put in my user ID and pass, logged on and figured I should look at my keys just in-case (even though I have them saved in a few spots). To my surprise 0 keys showed up. Now I use 2 keys and they both authenticate and I know they are lifetime sessions. One I bought years ago and no longer use that email nor remember what it was so I know I can still use it and not have it attached but the newer one only 2 years-ish old should be connected to my current email.

      I read a few other threads and people seem to be re-registering under the same email but I keep getting an error saying that the account already exists, which it does...I then tried to send an activation email, but when I put in the email I have tied to my account I get an error that reads
      Really I am looking for the use of Kick's profile packs, so here I am logged onto my account via Buddy Store and I click Questing Profiles, it routes me to the 1-90 Questing Pack, I click "Obtain for Free" and then the page reloads and nothing happens. No errors and nothing in "My Purchases" seems kinda screwy.

      Any ideas on how to a) get my keys to be tied to my account, which in turn will hopefully get to b) allow me to use the questing packs via the store.

      Thank you much.
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the reason why the keys arent showing up is because your buddyauth account e-mail is not the same e-mail address you used during checkout. you cannot add stuff from the store unless you have an honorbuddy key listed, and even if it did let you it wouldnt work anyway because theres no key listed.

      just e-mail support with your key.

      and they can attach them to your current buddyauth account.
    3. thehen8686

      thehen8686 New Member

      Oct 4, 2012
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      Thank you for your help! All has been rectified.
    4. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      great, if you need anything else let us know.

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