on the control wizard Controller_Encounter_Entanglingforce_R3 what is the R3 for? I am asking because he never uses it and not sure if its something in assembly or something, maybe rank of mob before using or something.
Heh, Im not expert with this but I have something to share... CW has R2 and R3 with spell "Entanglingforce", they are just upgrade levels and if you look snippet, it will try cast Conduitoffice then level2 entangling or level3 entangling, got it? Code: Spell.Cast("Controller_Encounter_Conduitofice", ent => ent as NWUnit, ret => true), Spell.Cast("Controller_Encounter_Entanglingforce_R2", ent => ent as NWUnit, ret => true), Spell.Cast("Controller_Encounter_Entanglingforce_R3", ent => ent as NWUnit, ret => true) Here is my combat routines, TriksterRogue needs some fixing. GuardianFighter works OKm some spells needs checking CW, frostray stays somtimes "ON" but other way works DC, allmost original GWF, allmost originall Just dump your powers with Alt+6 key, check syntax from Anemoi routines, test what happens, Only powers what are slotted will work. Last time when I used WB it will "Compiled" new Anemoi Routines in directory WinterBuddy/CompiledAssemblies/ "Anemoi*.dll and Anemoi*.pdb" when new combat routine was saved, after that it make difference(sometimes not). If it not compile then there is something wrong in .cs syntax. ...and you can allways delete all and DL original one. Dump your character Powers Alt+6, check what powers are "slotted", edit .cs file, check that new routine is compiled when Bot start, watch and enjoy your new DPS rotation and how gnolls gibs fly . View attachment ControlWizard.cs View attachment DevotedCleric.cs View attachment GreatWeaponFighter.cs View attachment GuardianFighter.cs View attachment TricksterRogue.cs