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  • Trying to make a bot oriented deck.

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by surgelol, Sep 29, 2015.

    1. surgelol

      surgelol New Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Most of the decks we have are adaptations. I'm trying to make something from the ground up designed for the bot. However I am failing and throating.
      The rationale for this deck was, high value, and very sticky champions. The quantity of value/taunt and stickiness in this deck is retarded. I did sit back and laugh my ass off while watching the bot dominate people having 7 major minions on the board most of them with taunt. But this deck sucks. Try hards even as low as rank 18 can shit on it. I don't even know whats wrong. The hellfire is there for the aoe. I think shadow flame would be superior. Then you could power overwhelming into void terror into shadow flame. I feel like the mountain giant gets in the way. he doesn't get much play. I needed heal bots because I saw the bot losing a lot of games when opponents would just strait up out heal me. I think the healbots can be replaced with trueheart
      Idk what to do. I do have both mal and jar but i see the bot misplaying jarxxus a lot

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