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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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but sometimes when getting big damage he forgets using bubble:)
The Divine Shield is ON GLOBAL COOLDOWN, it mean you can only cast Bubble 1.5 second after casting something...

If big damage coming and drop you from 25% to 0% under 1.5 second, there no solution for that. Try to predict incoming damage and bubble manually :)
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The automatic Divine Plea can cast under these conditions:
+ You have Divine Shield (immune to dispel)
+ Or you have at least 3+ buff on you (hand of freedom, kings, divine favor... the more buff on you, the less chance Divine Plea got dispelled)
+ Or there are no warlock pet felhunter

Focus the condition on these 3 possibilities :)
The conditions don't really affect the performance, cause the data is already stored in the objectmanager and doesn't need to be updated, so the conditions (yours or mines) shouldn't take more then 2ms.
The problem ist the CanCast-Method!
If u write it this way

if(ConditionOne && CanCast) { Cast("Divine Plea")}
if(ConditionTwo && CanCast) { Cast("Divine Plea")}
if(ConditionThree && CanCast) { Cast("Divine Plea")}
u'll waste some milliseconds

if u write
if((ConditionOne || ConditionTwo || ConditionThre)  && CanCast){ Cast("Divine Plea")}
u won't waste these miliseconds, cause u only check once if u can cast the spell (no need to check if on cooldown, this should be checked internally in CanCast from SpellManager)

The condition for the HP of u and your teammate doesn't matter, u need to think proactive :) if your low on mana, u'll need mana, so u have two ways of getting mana back ....

- get out of fight (very hard in 2vs2)
- mana cd from you and/or your mate

mayebe cyclone (or if a druid exists) should be checked too
But the dispelling isn't necessary ... fire Divine Plea :) one or two ticks are better than nothing!

you can define a private bool which checks every condition and returns a true to keep the code a little bit cleaner
somethink like
        private bool shouldDP
if(DivineShieldisUP) return true; //found? exit here
if(!FelHunterOnMe && !DruidInRange || !(DispellerLoS && !ManyBuffs)) return true; //found? exit here
return Me.ManaPercent<=40?true:false;
The conditions don't really affect the performance, cause the data is already stored in the objectmanager and doesn't need to be updated, so the conditions (yours or mines) shouldn't take more then 2ms.
The problem ist the CanCast-Method!
Thank Stormchasing for the tip, i didn't know that the data is already stored in the objectmanager and doesn't need to be updated.

Btw, I don't check CanCast-Method on my CC, that horribly slow. For performance, I only check cooldown, in LoS instead.
Thank Stormchasing for the tip, i didn't know that the data is already stored in the objectmanager and doesn't need to be updated.

Btw, I don't check CanCast-Method on my CC, that horribly slow. For performance, I only check cooldown, in LoS instead.
i know ... i've seen this :D

but you can shorten some of the code (most of the code), cause u are checking this everytime so you could replace (but this is absolutely YOUR thing, this is absolutely no need) some of the code by a routine the checks exactly your conditions
public bool checkSpell(string spell)
return SpellManager.HasSpell(spell) && !SpellManager.Spells[spell].Cooldown;
but ... this is only my personal opinion :D
Thanks for your hard work!

So if I use this, people will think im good at pvp?
it trinkets at sheep with a mage isnt it better to only trinket at a deep freeze?
Just downloaded this, as my rogue has been suspended LOL due to abusive language so using my paladin account

Its BIS Heal set, iv done the exact talent spec,

It seems that it still goes oom quite often ? :P
Just tried this CC

Sometimes it seems a bit slow to me, although i have just remembered i didnt do the settings in lazyraider duh -.-

Also, would this work better with raidbot/combat bot ? since there "quicker"

Well me and a warrior went 18-2 with this, even with it being a bit "slow" at times so

VERY Impressed

well done
its funny this class outheals all Shamwow users in bg rbg lol:)
Shamwow is the BEST cc. It just doesn't optimize for PvP but it the role model for any CC developer.

Just count the number of code, it's amazing work.
I would really love if u could make a retri cc for arena to, ur healing one is really awesome.
Well, im farming retribution gear on my paladin and all my ret skill gone :)

So I decided to make a ret CC, hope it will be awesome and you guys will love it.

I'll release Ret CC "soon" :)
Thank Stormchasing for the tip, i didn't know that the data is already stored in the objectmanager and doesn't need to be updated.

Btw, I don't check CanCast-Method on my CC, that horribly slow. For performance, I only check cooldown, in LoS instead.
i've to revise some of my text -.-
And maybe found the problem with the CC being slow some times ..
Your checks on Cooldown, is slowing the CC if it has to go down through many conditions,
so if the first 5 or 10 conditions not met, than the cc is goin slower and slower... but atm i dunno how to fix that issue ... except ... using timers instead of checking cooldown
in 3s it sometimes forget to heal that other target how i instal that right in lazyraider?
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