Hmm yes, but I'm unsure if it causes compiler issues. Gotta disable it in the rotation itself. Or toggle interrupts off in the GUI ( if it checks for it ).
"good" to see im not the only one where hb just stops in middle of battle with the special edition version, looking forward to the fix
Thanks for the reply guys. Look forward to a fix but I also know how busy you are. Sometimes i just wish you didn't have to worry about other CR's apart from pally but, other times i wish you just wrote more Keep up the good work!
for some reason i switch to ret and the CC is not really using any damage abilities i notice its not using crusader strike. Or judgment and alot of other spells why is this?
Tuanha I donated for this cr and am really satisfied. However I cannot for the life of me figure out why it won't move while in combat. I already know your stance on using dungeonbuddy and have to say I do not personally agree. I have used dungeonbuddy almost everyday for the past year and a half. Could you do something that would fix it so it will follow tank if it gets too far away to heal. This cr is the only thing that would put me at risk using dungeonbuddy. I have donated for everyone of your cr actually. I don't see how fixing the movement while in combat could hurt your cr at all. It could only help. If anything make the fix for donators only.
I'm using it in a dungeon group with LazyBoxer. It lets the tanks health get really low, under 20 %, before it does anything and it hardly ever heals. Not sure whats wrong here. View attachment 2044 2013-07-20 21.19.txt
Bot just stops working after a few min of tanking seems to have something to do with at TuanHA_Paladin.Classname.<GetUnitAvengersShieldInterrupt>b__7d(WoWUnit unit) in c:\Users\Dave\Family Vacation Pics\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition\THCommon.cs:line 408
the paladin cc didnt got update for ages now others do the bug error for example u said u compltly rewritting the paladin but its stil version 458 for awhile now:S
Completely rewriting is not an easy job, and not done in a couple of days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2