Hey there! Leveling my paladin with Kickz grind profile. And even though i went into class config. and set it to use consecration when fighting 4 or more enemies, it keeps using it when fighting only a single target. Totally drains my mana and gives me a lot of downtime. Any way to fix this or make honorbuddy not use consecration at all?
CC issue. Nothing to do with this profile. Open a new thread in the support forums, or ask how to do it in the CCs thread (if you downloaded one from here on the forums) -Panda
Having the same issues. Wish i could disable consecration or make my guy not try to regen mana at 50% I just bought like 500 waters and that helps a little. still drinks every other mob for 10secs.
as i said to the user above you must change it on CC settings,save it(idk if the CC you are on has a save button) and then restart Hb on what CC are you?