Well I was watching some videos and now i want to make a twink. But once you hit 19 or w/e and turn xp gain off you only play people with xp gain off so i just wanted to see if anyone else wanted to make a twink and the possibility of starting a HB twink guild
twinkinfo.com seems like they are on the ball with gear,spec,and profs so its definitely a site worth checking out. I want to make a druid,rogue, or priest IDK yet. But if enough people are interested we will figure out a server and what not.
IDK if you know this but i found out you can actually play wow without a bot and you can also have fun playing lvl19,29,etc as many people do. Seeing as you show no interested in playing wow or twinks best you keep to yourself. Ty in advance
yeah we should make some twinks and Make a guild for botters so than i don't get banned... that sucks when you get banned from the guild. I might make a rogue
No I actually play a level 85, therefore dont see killing boars on a level 19 fun, good try though. Maybe if you actually raided wow would be fun playing it at 85.
Ok well then a twink thread isnt one that appeals to you so i guess we will just end it now and leave this to people who enjoy twinks please.
twinks are not as fun as they used to be. I have 2 twinks still from when "twinking" was literally first invented. I first had a 19 twink rogue. which when I got him geared, he had 50% crit - 85% dodge - and over 2k health but now with all of the nerfing blizz had done against twinks I only have 1.2k health and like 40% dodge 30% crit on that same rogue... same gear... I understand if you get BoA's it would be a bit more.. but I ended my days of twinking (only thing left is the twinks that still sit on my account)
I havent looked to much into them getting nerfed i just remember playing my rogue and having a grand old time. If it's as bad as you say ill just get 5 or 6 359 boe for my mage and start raiding 85 :/
obviously, because matches were becoming "battle of the twinks" now it actually requires skill to pvp on a twink.
Well in wotlk they made it so if xp gain was off you can only play people with it off which made q suck. Would be nice for a 10min tops q
Warsong/US is an active realm for twinks. I have one there now and occasionally run some bgs on it. Twinks are still just as fun...the only thing that changed in WotLK is that Blizz does not allow you to use some of the enchants and you fight against other twinks. But the whole purpose of a twink is to have the best geared lowbie...which is still a challenge.
Yeah, it really does depend what battlegroup your in, also what faction. Horde on my server has 8-15 minute queues, while Alliance has about 2-4 minute queues all the time.