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  • Ultimate Paladin Healer

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by sm0k3d, May 16, 2011.

    1. sm0k3d

      sm0k3d Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      Ultimate Paladin Healer v2.2 r74

      After a long wait here it is, the Ultimate Pally Healer CC. It does it all: PvP, PvE, Arena, and Raids. If you can heal it, so can this CC. This was a collaboration of work with Glideroy and Sm0k3d.

      Again, like aways, there is ZERO set-up required for this CC

      How to Install
      Download the .zip and extract it. Make a new folder inside your CC folder (you can name it whatever you like) and put the files in there.

      We also have an SVN available:
      sgpaladinhealer - Revision 74: /trunk
      If you would like to use the SVN just right click your CC folder, click SVN Checkout and put that link in there. Make sure you have a program like TortoiseSVN to make this happen.

      This CC is best used with http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ider-user-controlled-raiding-heroics-raf.html
      Download this, LazyRaider is a great bot to use with HB and does all the work except walk (which it can actually do) for you

      version 2.2 r74 is up!!

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      Last edited: Jun 12, 2011
      xLegendx, Sash, papatoast and 3 others like this.
    2. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      This is the spec i'm using and the spec this build is optimized for
      Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
      If you do not get key talent like Judgements of the pure or Beacon of light or Sacred Cleansing the CC will simply not work well (for now.. but realy.. :p)
      Also Judgment range is an issue, with this build you have 35y, you can lover it to 30 but not less than that or the CC will not work.
      A lot of checks in the code suppose you have certain talent: the funcion that decide between Light of Dawn and Word of Glyry suppose at least 2 thing: 1 that you have light of dawn and 2 that you have Eternal Glory
      Don't whine if you use a spec without Sacred cleansing and the CC burn out all his mana tryng to cleanse a magic debuff :p

      So, just as promised, versione 2.0 revision 31 is online :)
      Will keep this thread updated with Changlog and TODO
      So, i'm not so sure about all the changes between 0.48 and 2.0 so take them with a grain of salt.
      I can tell what the CC do now.
      (ALL) First of all, she will import the tank setting from lazyraider, whoever you select tank in lazyraider will be your tank.
      (ALL) If the tank is mounted and noone is in combat he will mount up (may require 2-3 sec)
      (ALL) Will always try to target your tank target
      (ALL) will interrupt an heal if someone else already healed the target and tha heal would have overhealed
      (PVE) will ress dead people that are in range
      (ALL) will drink if out of combat and mana < 60% unless you ar moving by hand
      (ALL) will try to save healer ass, using divine protection, divine shild, every man for himself, will also use Tyrande favorite Doll if you have one equipped
      (ALL) will judge to apply the buff Judgment of the pure if you do not have the buff
      (ALL) will clenase any critical debuff (different list of debuff for PVE and PVP) will ignore any unit with debuff that should not be dispelled (calderons, blackout, unstable affliction ecc)
      (PVP) will use Hand of Freedom on snared party member (not on himself)
      (PVP) will use rebuke on casting enemy in melee
      (PVP) will use hammer of justice on enemy belowe 50% health
      (ALL) if you have divine plea but someone is under 40% HP will cancel divine plea
      (PVE) if someone is under 40% hp will cast one spell between awenging wrath, divine favor and guardian of ancient king. will cast only one spell at a time and wait for the first one to finish.
      (PVP) if someone is under 40% hp will cast all the cooldown he have, avengin wrath, divine favor guariand of ancient king and aura mastery
      (ALL) if someone is under 13% hp will cast lay on hand on him
      (ALL) if someone that is not the tank will drop below 25 will cast hand of protection on him
      (ALL) if the tank drop below 65% and the healer is above 90% will hand of sacrifice the tank
      (ALL) if the tank need beacon will cast beacon
      (PVP) if the healer is the one taking damage will put beacon on the healer while he is the one targetted
      (ALL) if we have 3 Holy Power will decide if using Word of Glory or Light of Dawn based on a weight set that take into consideretion how much both spell will heal in this situation. Is you duty to position the healer so that Light of Dawn is beneficial, ie if you always raid looking at a wall he will never cast light of dawn couse he know noone will be hit.
      (ALL) if is not in cooldown will cast holy shock
      (ALL) if we have enought people in range will cast Holy Radiance
      (PVE) if we got infusion of light and someone is below 70% will cast divine light
      (PVP) will always cast divine light if got infusion of light
      (PVE) if someone is below 35% will cast flash of light
      (PVP) will cast flash of light on anyone below 70%
      (PVP) will cast flash of light on tank if below 80%
      (PVE) if someone is below 70% will cast divine light
      (PVE) if someon is below 95% will cast holy light
      (PVP) will cast holi light if below 85% (will top them off later on in the priority)
      (ALL) if noone is below 85% and healer mana is below 70% will divine plea
      (ALL) will cleanse any other debuff (non critical one) always ignoring unit with debuff that should not be dispelled
      (ALL) will use Denunce buff to cast exorcism, will cast Hammer of wrath if enemy <20%
      (ALL) will top off any one that has damage until theyr life is above 95%
      (ALL) will judge to recuperate mana, will even cast crusader strike if you are in melee range (to gain free  holy power)
      (ALL) wil detect if there are druids and cast might, will detect if there are other pala and cast the missing bless, will cast king if the only buffer
      Ok and now to the TODO list:
      Will be implemented soon (TM):
          (PVP) Turn evil support, on demon and undead and DK with lichborn procced
          [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]DONE[/SIZE][/COLOR] (PVE) Support for Solo mode, to use with gaterbuddy2, Archeologybuddy or wathever
          (ALL) Log spam reduction that sometime happen
      Will be implemented:
          (ALL) rewap of the cleansing method so you can add the debuff that you like to a config text file and tell you what debuff are critical to be cleansed ASAP and debuff she must ignore
          (ALL) check on your talent tree to kwno if we can use some talent (judgment of the pure comes to mind) or we have to ignore that mechanic
          (PVP) scan near player for a flag carrier and set him as the tank as long as he is flag carring (WSG, Eye of the storm, Twin peaks)
      Will be implemented, maybe, someday.. if we get there..:
          (ALL) A Gui :P
          (PVE) An option in the Gui to decide if you are Tank healer or Raid healer
      Changelog will start from Stable version 2.0 rev31 couse previus version where private and i do not remember what was changed when and BTW who cares? :p
      rev86: do not use HoP either
      rev85: do not use DS on self with a bg flag
      rev84: cleanse should be back online
      rev83:code improvement for the (non worling) cleanse feature :P
      rev82: since DispellType does not work in HBCore right now this is a bandaid for the cleansing problem till HBCore is fixed, also change HoF logic
      rev81: reverted the topoff fix and fixed a targetting problem in chimaeron p3
      rev80: another fix for the topoff bug
      rev79: will dispell accelerated corruption, rewamped chimaeron combat, should work very well now, let us know, addeded support for resistence aura, will stay sit for well fed buff for 10 sec if eating
      rev78:corrected a problem that was making useless the CleanseNow in PVP
      rev77: try to fix the topping off issue
      rev76: more chimaeron logic (aoe)
      rev75: Chimaeron logic added
      rev 74: even more check!
      rev73: addeded a lot of check to the taunt function to avoid spam
      rev72: solved a problem with solo mode not engaging in PVP realms after leaving a BG
      rev71 :Much faster casting spell, also will taunt on tank in ARENA only
      rev70: initial support for every racials in the game
      rev69: change cleanse color and auto determinate Judgment range
      rev68:Solo mode is online!
      rev67: also Last Word taken in consideration for the weight on WoG
      rev66: fix the ressing issue, try to fix the buffing issue, support crusader aura
      rev65:add the eagle boss in ZA debuff to the dispell ASAP list
      rev64: remove the (computed but never used) weight to the health checks
      rev63:NEW weight system for Light of Dawn, should be more accurate :) (i hope..)
      rev62: fix a little problem with judge, make sure you cast seal after a battle ress, try not to waste every man for himself in arena, first attempt to weight the heal so he heal the tank more, experimenal, need to be activated
      rev61: another attempt to fix the tank selection issue :D
      rev60:FIXED the spam in battleground and try to fix the bug in the selection of the tank in arena
      rev59:FIXED ressing, FIXED battleground offensive spell, added variable to judge when mana below a line
      rev58: changed the HR code, it should use it a lot less in PVE (only when matter!)
      rev54: Tank selection code rewritten from the scratch
      rev52: another try in the direction to fix the forgetting tank bug
      rev51: Try to fix the "forgotting tank" problem
      rev48: Stable revision!
      rev47: first attempt to anonymous log
      rev46: should fix Beacon of light issue and HoF spam
      rev44:fixed pve movement bug (moving instead of movement disabled) fixed a blacklisting issue, also working Hand of Freedom code!
      rev43:fixed self holy light spam bug, fixed a movement bug in pvp, new casting system! much more stable, new log system!
      rev41-42: more preparation for the gui
      rev40: FIXED the damn crash bug!
      rev39: Added A LOT of vaiables to support the future gui
      rev38:still bugged
      rev37:Removed the targetting code, (maybe) fixed the crash issue, fixede rebuke, fixed judgment and other dps spell from beeng caster out of range or loss (still missing check for judgment untalented range) removed movement from BG
      rev34-36: BUGGED
      rev33: FIXED a problem with BG/Arena and dead tank
      rev32: FIXED a problem in the interrupt code in PVP somethimes gived error

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      Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
      papatoast and Zoinx like this.
    3. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      So, this has been mainly tested in Arena, BG, Heroic dungeon and 10 man normal mode, all at level 85.
      If someon can test this in 10 heroics, 25 (both normal and hero) and at levels below 85 and provoide full log we will try to improuve the CC accordingly :)
      If you want any of the feature above change, or you want something new added or whatever give us a good reason and we will think about it :D
      Last edited: May 16, 2011
    4. primo

      primo New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      wil try this out later tonight
    5. Someday

      Someday New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      OMG ! Love you...

      I'll give it a try this night =)
    6. shrink1991

      shrink1991 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Will definately try this in like 30 minutes in za/zg :)
    7. sm0k3d

      sm0k3d Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      just letting you guys know, healing has been changed around from holy light spam to using divine like most of the time now. it wont overheal also. Holy Radiance is working as well as light of dawn. Pretty much all spells that are useful for a holy pally are now used to make it the best healer possible.
    8. primo

      primo New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      oke i have tryed it out just now in BRC and it heals great but can you make it so that he doesnt want to attack the mob also and if thats possible can you make it so that it wont faces the mob ? cause i like to heal whith my back to the group
      i have used this with lazyraider, love the healing but if you can change those 2 things this is the best out there

      thnx and keep up the great work guys
    9. Zoinx

      Zoinx Active Member

      Mar 8, 2010
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      //Reserved will give my assessment when I wake up tomorrow and run this CC all night.

      Edit: Question, did you add some exorcism or holy shock on enemies when not grouped so I can AFK BG's as Holy and also Mixed Mode it with AB?
    10. imfat

      imfat New Member

      Sep 29, 2010
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      PERFECT in PvP! It even does Hammer of Justice. This is absolutely great. TY for your work.
      Last edited: May 19, 2011
    11. greaterdeath

      greaterdeath New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      This works for all levels, or level 85 only?
    12. Someday

      Someday New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Won 1st battle for Gilneas 3:0 ever! > 2 Mio healing done. Works very well - thank you for your work !
    13. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      If you heal with your back to the mob you will never ever cast light of dawn -.-
      @Primo: So no, it will always try to face the mob/boss tring to get as many melee + tank in the light of dawn area (you can and are encouraged to adjust this so he see more unite inside light of dawn area and actualy use it :D)
      @Drewdenman: not yet, but this is definitely in the TODO list
      @imfat: thank you, i'm pretty proud of my PVP code :D
      @Paddy: Never tryed on a level below 85 but it SHOULD work, try it, if this does not work post a full log and we will fix it (try to :p)
      Last edited: May 16, 2011
    14. shrink1991

      shrink1991 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Quick question if I want to use this in dungeons/pvp I use combat/heal bot right?
      I used instancebuddy works fine but it instantly leaves dungeon when I'm done, I don't want that :p

      Do I need an empty profile for combat/heal bot?

      Edit : I just healed ZA HC with this and it went flawless :)

      2nd Edit : Never mind, I just loaded up combat/heal bot inside the instance at the start. Pressed Start and it works :) Cheers for an amazing CC :) Have to test it in pvp still but I'll trust that it's okay. =D
      Last edited: May 16, 2011
    15. imfat

      imfat New Member

      Sep 29, 2010
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      How do I disable movement. Gets really annoying in PvP when it tries to move it self. First mount usually still gets interrupted.
      Last edited: May 16, 2011
    16. _Steve_

      _Steve_ New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'll try this once my pally is off its 48 hr -.-, but like someone else asked, can you have it cast exor on mobs that it does attack? It would be really useful for archaeology
    17. abndrew82

      abndrew82 New Member

      May 14, 2010
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      Will have to see about giving this a try tomorrow with my Pally Bot, see how well he can heal an arena with my Blood DK.
    18. Gentoo

      Gentoo Active Member

      Apr 29, 2011
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      Thanks so much, gonna go give it a whirl in a random heroic and check it out!

      /edit Pugged a random heroic. I can really notice the changes you made, very nice work.

      Now if you could make people stop standing in the fire i would really appreciate it.. gah, pugs
      Last edited: May 16, 2011
    19. shrink1991

      shrink1991 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You can disable movement if you use Instancebuddy throught Bot Settings, I don't know about a PvP environment though.
    20. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @shrink1991: this CC is thinked about beeng used with LazyRaider, the bot base by bobby53 that you can find on this forum
      @imfat: will be an option once we get the Gui done, will be disabled in BG and enabled only in Arena on next release
      @genocide: as said before is in the TODO list, we will do it
      @abandrew82: make that DK a frost DK and it will rock, myself get the Hot Steak achievement yesterday, now i'm at 1150 rating, must improve my gear to get better rating :D

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