I think its either you're not in the right area or you might just wanna throw an exception to skip that quest.
well i do that what ever i do i have tryed whit grinding profiles and so on :/ even when i do mixed whit pvp it wont move in bg's either :/
Your CC is not installed correctly. Installation instructions, the folder MUST be called Fpsware Hunter in your CustomClasses folder. If the folder already exists delete it first. Actually seems like you havent installed ALL of the CC as it is missing some files [17:53:00:897] Exception in XML Load En del af stien 'CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter\Class Specific\Misc\Settings.xml' blev ikke fundet. [17:53:00:897] .... located in ConfigSettings.Open
well didnt work first, then i downloaded one of fpswares older cc for hunter and now it work thanks alot for ur time and help