Purchase failed. You don't own an active key for Honorbuddy in your buddyauth account. I am currently on now, but it won't let me download anything.
Are you sure you are logged in on the right BuddyAuth account? And have and active HonorBuddy subscription?
Please delete this - I saw that my key wasn't connected to my account. My DB key was automatic but this one I had to do manually. Thank you.
good luck, something like that happened to me, but the guys from buddy suport dont want to help me, even if there is evidence about it. It is possible that they switched your user to another mail and, with that, all the buddy purchases asociated with it.
Thats not correct. Why should we switch a key to another email address? The only moment back office is doing this is if the requestor can show a proof that he bought the key and is the owner. So if you got a key from another webpage or from a "friend" its your problem if this friend calls his key back. If you bought a key here and have an issue write an email to support@thebuddyforum.com and proof ownership. They will change/transfer the key then for you. Forum support cannot help you with this.