Ok, had to open this again since it happens all the time in the following scenario. But first things first 1. I removed (deleted from hard disk) Autoequip2 plugin. I also removed all configuration autoequip config files 2. I tripled check that there is no trace of Autoequip2 This only happens when I RAFfing and have the following configuration Bot1: (tank) LazyRaider + Felmaster DK CC + LeaderPlugin Bot2: (healer) PartyBot + ShamWOW CC Bot2 does NOT roll. I have to do it manually. Bot1 though rolls greed all the time, no matter what with the message "Rolling for loot!". So, I don't know if leaderplugin is to blame or lazyraider of whatever. I do know that there is no trace of any plugin that could roll for me! I'd appreciate a help here since I cannot need on anything. And Bot1 has no heirlooms (it is the RAF account), so the looted is needed. thank you in advance
according this post http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ontrolled-raiding-heroics-raf.html#post315627 Lazyraider cant manage roll on looting so we need to check both of your logs(Leader and Slave) http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-pictures.html
Ok, here it is. I RARed it since it is about 800K uncompressed. You can find the crucial parts if you search for the phrase "Rolling for loot!". PS You will see much spamming there from LazyRaider (the "TANK SET" things) and from the CC but this is another story. Thank you.
ok try something plz make a new Hb installation from scratch and run Hb without any plugins enabled and also the CC you are using is throwing loads of errors
A bit thread necromancy here but I found out that Leaderplugin is to blame. I even accidentally had it checked at LFR and greed rolled automatically on everything at first boss. As soon as I deactivated it, it stopped auto roll. Is the Leaderplugin code somewhere? I searched a bit fast but I didn't see anything. I want to do some... things in a few days that involve using this plugin. Is there a chance there will be a fix?