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  • Unprofessional Dev's on ExileBuddy

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by zazey, Aug 9, 2015.

    1. zazey

      zazey Member

      Jun 15, 2012
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      This may be more of a rant, or unpublic opinion, but has anyone else noticed that a few dev's within the Exilebuddy community act childish, immature, and unprofessional in a lot of their posts? I'm not just talking about contributors, I mean Community Dev's. Exilebuddy is in BETA again and obviously everything's in the process of being updated. Everyone knows that when the bots need to be updated, people are already on edge just waiting to get back in the bot game, and the last thing they want is to see troll dev posts, especially due to the fact that people are paying for this program. I've used Honorbuddy, demonbuddy, and RebornBuddy for years and the reason I keep coming back is because the devs are professional and understanding that what they do is important to the people who buy the product, and they do what they can to accommodate as much as possible. I find almost the complete opposite on Exilebuddy. I find dev's who seem to just post in threads for almost no reason other than to either troll users, or bullshit back and fourth with a friend. I just feel like I'm not getting the same quality as I would with other buddy programs.

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