ProtectedItems was marked readonly and modified - it was overwritten. Updater does not know how to read "READ ONLY"? Bolts of cloth were destroyed on accounts, many other items (like enchanter lost 70% of his 85-level reagents like divine substance, hypn. dust, lockboxes) , character stuck destroying it's mana cakes etc. Do not overwrite hand-modified EVER. Also fixes to the default CC, plugins was lost. You offer backup? You don't ----------- <Item Name="Greater Div Substance" Entry="52719" /> <Item Name="Roll of embersilk" Entry="53643" /> <Item Name="Created Mana Tort" Entry="65499" /> <Item Name="Icecrown Symbols book" Entry="45912" /> <Item Name="Ice cloth Bag" Entry="41599" /> <Item Name="Embersilk Bag" Entry="54443" /> <Item Name="Fortune cookie" Entry="62649" /> <Item Name="Drums of the forgotten kings" Entry="49633" /> <Item Name="Potion of Invisibility" Entry="9172" /> <Item Name="Advanced Fish1" Entry="53070" /> <Item Name="Potion 80 ghost" Entry="53070" /> <Item Name="Potion 70 int" Entry="40070" /> <Item Name="Lense" Entry="42420" /> <Item Name="Zul'Gurub Stone - too high level quest" Entry="69774" /> <Item Name="Treasure map" Entry="1357" /> <Item Name="Jyjal Good thing" Entry="69240" /> <Item Name="Potion of underwater breathing" Entry="25539" /> <Item Name="Eluna Stone" Entry="21536" /> <Item Name="Bronze Lockbox" Entry="4632" /> <Item Name="Heavy Bronze Lockbox" Entry="4633" /> <Item Name="Elementium Lockbox" Entry="68729" /> <Item Name="LuckyCard" Entry="60842" /> <Item Name="Feather Bait" Entry="62673" /> <Item Name="Astral substance" Entry="10998" /> <Item Name="Absolute dust" Entry="34054" /> <Item Name="Spirit dust" Entry="11083" /> <Item Name="Simple Mys Substance" Entry="11134" /> <Item Name="Sleep dust" Entry="11176" /> <Item Name="Hypnotic Dust" Entry="52555" /> <Item Name="Mage's Gem of mana" Entry="36799" /> <Item Name="Mage's Created food" Entry="65499" /> <Item Name="Roll of frost fiber" Entry="41510" /> <Item Name="Roll of desne frost fiber" Entry="41511" /> <Item Name="Bag of useful items from rare mob" Entry="44663" /> <Item Name="Bag of useful items from rare mob" Entry="8827" /> <Item Name="Crocolisk" Entry="62670" /> ------ restore.bat (put protected items into the folder): attrib -r "..\Protected Items.xml" copy "Protected Items.xml" .. /Y ------ cs patching: for /R %%i in (.\*) do if "%%~xi" == ".cs" ( echo %%i copy $fl $fl.old /Y sed ‘s/FINDSTRING/REPLACESTRING/g’ $fl.old > $fl )
Ouch that sucks, best post your log.[-pictures].html