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  • Updated HB still says new update is available... really?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by donnamonna, Nov 22, 2011.

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    1. donnamonna

      donnamonna Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So I have the most recent update of Honorbuddy (5418) yet every time I start the program it keeps giving me the following message in the Log window:

      There is a new release of Honorbuddy (v2.0.0.5418) available. Check update icon on the bottom-right.

      There is no icon in the lower right, by the way. It's a bit annoying to be constantly reminded to update an already updated product. This is just one of many little annoyances that are starting to build up with HB. I'm not sure what gives lately but there seems to be a lot of people dropping the ball as far as development and support goes. It seems like people show just enough attention to this product to get people to buy it. There seems to be no care for whether or not it actually works as well as it could.

      Community driven CC's are also a bit crappy if you ask me. There is no real moderation or control over the Custom Class forums. Many people won't find out that the CC they are trying to use is broken until they've already downloaded it and tried to run it. Then they'll have to go slogging through pages of retarded replies (none of which is moderated for uselessness and redundancy) before they find out that most people are only able to use the CC's with certain tweaks, modification or only in certain scenarios. And then when people complain the only response tends to be, "Custom Classes are the responsibility of the people who develop them, blah, blah, blah"

      I guess this turned into a bit of a gripe post, and I apologize for that. I just wish it seemed like people actually cared about this product still. I'm sad to see it so neglected and mistreated.
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      its a bug(visual) on 5418

      just ignore it,fixed on next release
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