I'm rather new to Honor Buddy, but here is what I have noticed. 1) As a druid when I go to Arathi Basin my character will often run past people and not attack 2) If the druid attacks, it will cast moonfire then often do nothing 3) If the druid actually gets into cat form and attacks, they will stop and cast healing touch In the last 3 hours I have not got a single killing blow. I am specd feral, lvl 70 Any advice would be very nice
First of all, download this CC (Custom Class) If you haven't already: http://bit.ly/dstq68 Second, It is considered a bot, not human, therefore it heals usually when you are at 40% health because it is setup for that automatically and considering it being a bot it's not going to give you a lot of killing blows, but its better than playing the BG for hours. Third, It passes by people because thats how the bot is however, if someone attacks you it will attack back. (This is way better!!) Because you don't want to be chasing someone mounted up, etc. Finally, This bot is amazingly simple compared to others. Just learn to use it and its guaranteed to be the best updated frequently bot!
Downloaded that CC, put it in the custom class folder of Honorbuddy. Still having the same issues. Any other advice?
Always when there are more than one enemy, he change into humanform and just heals it up until the mana is empty I also changed to balance but it had no changes ^^ greez