I'm working on making a simple profile for pool/lunkers. I'm wondering if someone can help a bit. I just need to know how I can make the profile use item ID 118391, "Worm Supreme". I figure an <If Condition> would do it i just dont know the language enough. Anyone know how to accomplish this?
Trying something like this but it's not working <If Condition="!Me.HasAura("Worm Supreme" )" Ignore="True"> Else <CustomBehavior File="UseWorm" ItemID="118391" Text="Using Worm Supreme." LogColor="Orange" /> </If>
Generally you'll be using an Aura ID that can be found in the HB tools. Try: Code: [COLOR=#333333]<If Condition="!Me.HasAura([/COLOR]174471[COLOR=#333333])"> [/COLOR]<CustomBehavior File="Message" [COLOR=#333333]Text="Using Worm Supreme." LogColor="Orange" [/COLOR] /> [COLOR=#333333]<CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemID="118391" />[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]</If> [/COLOR]
Or simply with TerminateWhen then you dont need a if condition ^^ Code: <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemID="118391" TerminateWhen="Me.HasAura(174471)" />