I have the bot running fine but it hardly uses spectral throw which is the main skill to my build, does a good job with the other skills, how do I make it use spectral throw more often?
Go to your Exilebuddy folder, then Routines, then Exile, and open the Exile.cs file (in Notepad, since I assume you don't have VS). Search for 'Spectral Throw'. You should find a line that goes something like: Register("Spectral Throw", ret => NumberOfMobsNear(BestTarget, 10, 2)); In this case, it searches 10 units of distance from the primary mob. If there are at least two other units in that range, it will use Spectral Throw. Change 10 to something like 30, and 2 to 1. It will then use ST if there is any other mob within 30 units of the primary target. I'm not actually sure this is how the logic technically works, but its good enough for most purposes.