[V1.02] vendor/repair/mailbox all in 1 MOP hey people I 'm done! with every new zone in MOP! I'm sure that I didn't add every mailbox/vendor and repair in this, but I got the most. It's so easy ! just copy/paste work everyone can do this ! but for the people who still need some help, here is an simple and easy video that will help you how to do that. WARNING i have made this an me Imac so it's looks different but it's the same process. [video=youtube;HC2leZOzM9w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC2leZOzM9w[/video] most asked question Update 100% of it goos direct to creating more routes and profiles for you!
i only tested valley... and there is a bugged npc in ur list somewhere around "StonePlow". Sorry that I can't provide more informations, but i just added my own NPC instead...
NPC doesn't move. The bot just moves for- and backwards and can't reach the NPC, if I remember right.
Havent tried them yet but I might use them later. I have my own set but it's always nice to have more Thanks madcow.
i'm planing to do every zone but's the problem is that I have allaince only so if you have horde aswel we can work together if you want ? just a offtopic question are you dutch ?