Hello, i have problems with botting in Vashj`hir. I redownloaded the hb and did every setting i knew (btw. i?m not a new user) xD When i start hb, in the Log it says "Moving to next Hotspot". Navigator log says: [13:43:59:368] Downloaded tilemap Azeroth [13:43:59:557] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True [13:44:01:901] Loading Azeroth_35_43 [13:44:02:202] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right [13:44:06:528] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 0 See attached log. o.c. the Char stands in Vashj`hir!
Code: [15:22:23:881] Using WoW with process ID 2772 [15:22:23:892] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 [15:22:23:892] Executable Path: C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe [15:22:26:946] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Tony\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes [15:22:26:946] KillBetweenHotspots: True [15:22:26:946] AdvancedSettingsMode: True [15:22:26:946] LogoutForInactivity: False [15:22:26:946] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10 [15:22:26:946] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False [15:22:26:946] ProfileDebuggingMode: False [15:22:26:946] FoodAmount: 0 [15:22:26:946] DrinkAmount: 0 [15:22:26:946] FormLocationX: 231 [15:22:26:946] FormLocationY: 155 [15:22:26:946] FormWidth: 396 [15:22:26:946] FormHeight: 302 [15:22:26:946] SelectedBotIndex: 0 [15:22:26:946] UseFlightPaths: False [15:22:26:946] FindMountAutomatically: True [15:22:26:946] UseRandomMount: True [15:22:26:946] FoodName has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] DrinkName has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] MountName has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] FlyingMountName has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] LootMobs: True [15:22:26:946] SkinMobs: False [15:22:26:946] NinjaSkin: False [15:22:26:946] LootChests: True [15:22:26:946] HarvestMinerals: False [15:22:26:946] HarvestHerbs: False [15:22:26:946] UseMount: True [15:22:26:946] PullDistance: 30 [15:22:26:946] LootRadius: 45 [15:22:26:946] FindVendorsAutomatically: False [15:22:26:946] TrainNewSkills: False [15:22:26:946] LearnFlightPaths: True [15:22:26:946] LastUsedPath has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] MountDistance: 75 [15:22:26:946] RessAtSpiritHealers: False [15:22:26:946] GroundMountFarmingMode: False [15:22:26:946] FoodAmount: 0 [15:22:26:946] DrinkAmount: 0 [15:22:26:946] FormLocationX: 231 [15:22:26:946] FormLocationY: 155 [15:22:26:946] SelectedBotIndex: 0 [15:22:26:946] UseFlightPaths: False [15:22:26:946] FindMountAutomatically: True [15:22:26:946] UseRandomMount: True [15:22:26:946] FoodName has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] DrinkName has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] MountName has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] LootMobs: True [15:22:26:946] SkinMobs: False [15:22:26:946] NinjaSkin: False [15:22:26:946] LootChests: True [15:22:26:946] HarvestMinerals: False [15:22:26:946] HarvestHerbs: False [15:22:26:946] UseMount: True [15:22:26:946] PullDistance: 30 [15:22:26:946] LootRadius: 45 [15:22:26:946] FindVendorsAutomatically: False [15:22:26:946] TrainNewSkills: False [15:22:26:946] LearnFlightPaths: True [15:22:26:946] LastUsedPath has no value yet! [15:22:26:946] MountDistance: 75 [15:22:26:946] RessAtSpiritHealers: False [15:22:26:948] Activity: Initializing. [15:22:26:949] Activity: Loading memory management & tables [15:22:27:011] Activity: Loading Spells [15:22:27:047] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager [15:22:27:060] Activity: Initializing Plugins [15:22:27:127] [15:22:29:447] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Death Knight-Blood [15:22:30:888] H: DF-57-71-D6-5A-96-7A-CE-51-D6-22-2F-4E-F0-56-A3-07-40-2D-70 [15:22:30:888] V: [15:22:31:318] Activity: Initializing Navigator [15:22:31:430] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager [15:22:31:432] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds [15:22:31:453] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths [15:22:31:518] Activity: Initializing Routines [15:22:31:537] Compiling C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW [15:22:32:311] Compiling C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Singular [15:22:35:650] Activity: Initialization complete [15:22:35:651] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete [15:22:36:759] Activity: Loading Profile... [15:22:47:296] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles. [15:22:48:649] [Singular-DEBUG] [Talents] Best Tree: 33 [15:22:48:649] [Singular-DEBUG] [Talents] Is Special Spec: False [15:22:48:653] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Combat behavior. [15:22:48:662] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateBloodDeathKnightCombat is a match! [15:22:48:673] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Pull behavior. [15:22:48:674] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateDeathKnightPvpNormalPull is a match! [15:22:48:675] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Rest behavior. [15:22:48:678] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating CombatBuffs behavior. [15:22:48:679] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Heal behavior. [15:22:48:681] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PullBuffs behavior. [15:22:48:682] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PreCombatBuffs behavior. [15:22:48:684] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateDeathKnightPreCombatBuffs is a match! [15:22:48:788] Cleared POI [15:22:48:788] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up [15:22:48:789] Cleared POI [15:22:50:246] Activity: Moving to next hotspot [15:23:19:504] Activity: Moving to node [15:23:27:374] Spell_C::CastSpell(57330, 0, 0x38000000430F512, 0) [1] [15:23:27:931] Activity: Interacting with node [15:23:27:932] InteractDebug:282480664 [15:23:27:984] Interact Done:282480664 [15:23:31:575] Activity: Moving to next hotspot works as it should for me try to move your char on another place near to the profile
wtf... same thing when i go really close to the waypoints.... maybe this is because of my faction change? i have the mount, but not the buff for vash?jir and no quest made here... (GM told me some mins ago that all quests in vashir been reset because of the faction change) No quest? That would be COOL, because nobody could see me while botting I can?t see anyone, too
The faction change reset my incomplete quests in vashhir*. So i have to do 3-5 Quests. But i think it "should" work without the quests.... !hope! *a GM told it in my last Ticket