Hello [FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]1[/FONT] bot (11088) is farming dreadfang venom sac with grind bot and worked fine with hb2 and now with hb3 its mounting a fly mount and flies around in the air doing nothing (even when set to ground mount only) Another bot (8476) that I farm Azshara's veil in Vashj'ir that has worked since cataclysm untill today is just standing unable to navigate to next hotspot (even if I move it or mount the seahorse manually) Please help me to fix this because I'm already annoyed that it's working with hb2 but it's not getting updated.
Vashj'ir probably isn't meshed for HB3. I wouldn't expect it to be either, it worked pretty bad in HB2 as well. I would consider trying Hyjal for that.