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  • Vashjir problem!! is realy serious

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by s0ll, Dec 9, 2016.

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    1. s0ll

      s0ll New Member

      Oct 2, 2016
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      hi.... i wanna use this profile [GB2]Poseidus - herb+mining farm to farm poseidus rare....
      but there is a problem...
      the HB detected Vashj'ir Seahorse as a Ground mount and while im in shimmering Expance area the bot use my Tawny Wind Rider fly mount instead of my Seahorse!!! and i cant even choose Seahors to use manually as the bot dose not detect it on fly mounts .....
      also i have try to tick the option ---> use ground mount....it dose not work too
      its the post that they closed like nothin happend ---> https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...upport/285254-seahorse-mount.html#post2355847

      """"""" that was my problem and the buddy team answer was -----> we HB3 does not support vashjir and we dont wanna make it supported ----> and they simply closed my thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""""""""""""

      but i wanna explain why i need to farm on Vashj'ir ----->
      i lose about 100 accounts by using HB on them AND as all of us should know there is ALWAYS risk to using HB....
      as i test the most time u can spend on an acc before it get banned is between 3 weeks and 5 weeks (24/7 boting)(except banweaves i mean)---> lets count it cost for us to use HB......it take 30 euro for 1 year HB + about 10 euro for each Bchest acc u make banned and as we get banned each acc about 1 month then we pay 120 euro for 1 year Bchest accs (12 acc) ---> its totaly cost us 150 euro per year to using HB
      as all of us know the gold value is very low cuz of 1 month wow token is about 100k in most servers!!
      so------> if u get a Bchest acc u have to earn ATLEAST about 200 k gold to make it worse and if u buy a Bchest + legion acc u have to earn about 1milion gold before ur acc get banned atleast to make it worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nad if not...its better to simply buy golds instead of using HB to earn it!!!
      now WHY I WANT a vashj;ir support : all of us know about the BOE mount that drops in Vashj'ir "Poseidus"
      the mount can make about 500-700 k gold depend on servers .....
      so if u just buy a Bchest acc and level it to 95 then farm Poseidus ...u can get about 500k + before ur Bchest get banned!!!!! and it WORS!!!!

      NOW i wanna buddy team use their calculate and tell me: why we need to buy a buddy client if the gold of HB make for us it less than the gold we can simply buy with our money?!!!!
      ---> if u gentleman think im talking right and true please make Vashj'ir supported by HB3 and dont close ur client posts easily
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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