Requesting Kick to write us a decent and fast Vashjir Seahorse Questchain profile ! what you(Kick / Reader) and others can expect if we / I am able to get this profile done => Update for the *PB Multi Herb* Profile (farming ALL of the herbs of cata)
I agree that it doesn't take a lot of time to do the quest chain manually, but it's just such a bore to having to repeat it for every single character. It would indeed be nice if such a profile existed.
can u be a little bit more detailled what's not working kick? or can u direct me to a post where this is stated?
HB2 Quest bot doesn't work properly in the water - so either flightor will have to be turned on in that zone (like GB2) or someone will have to make a flightor plugin for the water
So your kicks make it work! you cant let blizzard beat us with water or else there gona make every zone water!
Kick's profiles .. both for horde and alliance Horde: Alliance: