[Solved] Vendor mount bug Hello everyone, I recently discovered that every time, the bot is checking the Taxi-map for new FP's. he wants to sell the trash in my bags what is a normal and good thing. normally nothing goes wrong wen he mount the vendor mount and opens the vendor Drix Blackwrench to sell. but when he check the taxi-map before he doesn't close the taxi-map and will give loads of erro's that he can't find/open Drix Blackwrench. wich will lead the bot stuck untill the map is closed. Is this a problem from my quest profile, I have occurred this with Cava's and Kick's question profile. Anyone else seems to have this problem ? or is there a option, that disables vendor mount use? Think that will fix it also. however, will slack the bot off when he needs to vendor in middle of quest zone. meaby something that when he is in a (quest-)town he uses NPC vendor's rather then vendor mount.