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  • Vendored Items (Posted under Support and no reply)

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Shyoden, Dec 15, 2014.

    1. Shyoden

      Shyoden New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      Using the Bundled Leveling pkg Questing/WoD 91-92 and it vendored a bunch of things I had saved forever. Unfortunately they are gone because I used my Restore yesterday for a neck I D/Ed. HOW do I make this thing STOP vendoring? I can no longer adjust the profile manually since apparently it is not in my system but in the BuddyStore. If not here, where do I post, because I can't find where in navigating through the separate Honorbuddy Store Page.


      Just did the same crap again with a different profile even though I have everything that seems related, unchecked.

      Help pls.
    2. WizBee

      WizBee New Member

      Dec 15, 2014
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      As far as I know, in order for HB to stop selling certain items is either insert the <ProtectedItems><Item Name="item name" Entry="ItemID" /></ProtectedItems> in the profile's code, or insert by the same way the items you want to keep in the Protected Items.xml which is in HB's files. Both are kinda difficult if you want to keep lots of items.The second way to do it is locate the profile and set the <sellwhite>, <sellgreen> etc to false. but this will make your bags full. There is third way tho, just put the items you want to keep in the bank so HB won't sell them at all

      EDIT: added a last way
    3. Shyoden

      Shyoden New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      Agree with what you have said and have done the first for the profile I do have, with it still selling stuff. However the new ones that are streamed basically from buddy store cannot be edited from what I can tell. Putting stuff in the bank will not help items that are already gone and it really should be fixed if it is a glitch. Having a level 92 find their way to Org or Shrine and empty their bags in bank seems a little superfluous. Just now my toon has been stuck on her vendor mount for over 20 minutes, with a message saying 'The Vendor doesn't want that item'.
    4. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      you said your problem is that you have old item which you wanna keep.

      so before using it on a charakter but all the things you don´t need in your bank -> and they are save
      so hb could just sell stuff which is new / optained by it.

      how long is the cooldown on the item restoration and how long can you go back?

      if its like every 30 days and you can go 90days back it shouldn´t be a problem......
    5. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Yeah I had this problem too. I leveled some profession characters to get Garrison and then left them there just to check in every day and start new work orders. So when I finally decided to bot them all the way to 100 I lost all the trading goodies, Burnished Leather etc. And they couldnt be found in the restoration tool list. It sucks, but I dont think theres much to do about it other than if you want to be 100% sure nothing gets lost, put it in the bank.
    6. WizBee

      WizBee New Member

      Dec 15, 2014
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      Well mats don't get sold by HB. Have you checked alll your characters? HB might have send them to an alt. Check the ''Settings & tools'' if you have any Mail Recipient and check their mail if so
    7. Pwn

      Pwn Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Yes, Einstein, mats did get sold by HB before they were added to the global protected items list. The mats you get from work orders are soulbound, so they cant be mailed.
    8. Shyoden

      Shyoden New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      Yeah, it is selling everything, and again, I don't know how to stop it. Is there a developer that can give us an easy fix please. I mean, i don't know, but it just seems pretty out there that there isn't somewhere we can turn this off at. It sold all my Kafa presses which granted, are not that great anymore, but I liked them. Putting all my things in an already full bank on Level 90's which i have already in Garrisons and getting them back to Org/Shrine, etc. to do this seems superfluous. I know HB has a lot of issues to deal with but really it is a glitch when your members are losing things that they can never get back.

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