Hey Guys While doing the World Quest or even when skinning my demonhunter uses this stupid "Vengeful Retreat". This makes him jump down from those towers where the World Quest PVP Boss are or while skinnig, just before the mob is about to die, he jumps into an other Phase. I tried to deactivate the lines in the routines by adding // like this: Code: Spell.Cast("Fel Rush", ret => // DemonHunterSettings.DPSWithFelRush && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 15 && Me.IsSafelyFacing(Me.CurrentTarget, 5f) && // ( (Common.HasTalent(DemonHunterTalents.FelMastery) && CurrentFury <= 70) || (Unit.NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count() >= 3 && Spell.GetCharges("Fel Rush") > 1) )), // Spell.Cast("Vengeful Retreat", // ret => but it seems, I'm doing something wrong. I would appreciate a solution for this problem Greetz Cali
Before you went through all of that, did you try to just disable in settings? There's an option for that.