Account 1 Server 1 - New account legitimately purchased from blizzard Pure just herb/ore acct -Banned Account 2 Server 1 - New account legitimately purchased from blizzard Pure herb/ore account with a banker. 90% of mats sold via cod or f2f - Banned Account 3 Server 2 - SoR account - Pure herb/ore acct - Banned and overturned Account 4 Server 2 - New account purchased legitimately from blizzard store Herb/Ore + Milling and Alc - Not Banned Account 5 Server 2 - New account legitimately purchased from blizzard - Herb/Ore farmer + banker - Banned Account 6 Server 2 - New account purchased legitimately from blizzard - Herb/ore farmer + jc'ing/enchanting + Sorter(Mailed all herbs/ore to this character and he mailed it out) - Banned Some weird things of note. The accounts on other server that have zero interaction with the accounts on this account and were all banned within 30 seconds of one another. This seems to suggest some sort of IP/Paypal linking that they do as all accounts were purchased with same paypal. 5/6 accounts were purchased over the span of 4 days from the blizzard store. The 3 on server 2 all did RaF for one another. The only account to get banned and overturned was the SoR account that was purely farming and had been doing so the longest. 1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Both 2)If so, when was the last time?: Was banned while watching 3)What profile were you using?: Private/Megaroute/Private profession profiles 4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular, Druids/Dk's 5)What plugins are you using?: All stock plugins + mritemremover, 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 9 hours per day all were setup on a 3 hour approx online time then one hour idle time, including profession profiles. So 2/4 of the accounts on server 2 only gathered for 6 hours a day 6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 95% while leveling(After doing so many characters I know when to popin and help on certain quests) Approx 30% while gathering 7)How many auctions per day did you have?: 0 on 4/6 accounts. 65 on server one. 20 on server 2 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No 10)EU or US realm? US
Yeah I have a feeling they are checking other accounts linked via ip or payment, or something along those lines. My friend had 2 banned right at the same time while watching the other day. I've also read of others having the same thing happen. How did you get your SOR acct overturned? Why did they only overturn that one?
Yeh sorry I forgot to say the strangest part. I had all the same last names/different first names on the account. I tried to play it off saying that we are all a family playing wow and even mentioned all the accounts were ours in my ticket and copy/pasted into each of the account ticket. They only decide to unban in my opinion the most sketchy account on there. Also just anaged to get one of my other accounts from server 1 unbanned. Oh well just bought 22 copies of wow on the deal at best buy - 35 bucks for vanilla-mop with a month of gametime. Gonna stick with gamecards this time and see what happens.
Hmm I have all mine, 5 accts, connected to same paypal for monthly sub. I have heard few times be careful on how get time cards becuase if purchased with stolen credit cards, or what ever then account gets banned. If you do use time cards, still need to connect account to something first time. Are you gonna use same paypal at first, or different then take over with time cards after? My plan is to work with these 5, had 6 but 1 recently banned. Use income from them to keep getting new accounts going, then build army up. I used to always bot for self before. So new to the bot for money. When I tried to make new paypal accounts. They wanted bank account to connect to. Any way to have multiple paypal accounts to link to wow?
I just started up 5 today and didn't need to enter any kind of payment info. So ill be going strait to timecards once the free month is over. Legit purchased cards.