Ive googled around a bit all posts date back to 2013, ive just started, came from wow lol, and I was wondering if there was voice acting, and if so, when does it kick in? So far ive done a few quests around town and the carriage cutscene at the start, no voice acting except the old man telling me about crap
Remember that this is a Japanese game, so to keep localization costs down they probably try to limit how much voice acting there is in the first place. Plus, the FFXIV team is rather small (smaller than WoW anyway) and voice acting needs probably leads to some development lag time (lore needs to be planned & written, voice actors hired, recording, and then the asset is finally placed in the game). Since they try to release content on a semi-regular basis, voice acting is not a really big priority for them i'd assume. At least thats my opinion!