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  • Vwmare question Freezing game window on minimize.

    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Forum' started by deadlybot, Nov 10, 2012.

    1. deadlybot

      deadlybot Banned

      Nov 9, 2012
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      For you others running VMware to run multiple instances of swtor I have a question. Is there a way to prevent VMware of basically stopping all video running while minimized ? What I mean is when I minimize my VM and the come back say 30 minutes later and restore it to full screen my swtor screen is frozen. To unfreeze it I need to click my mouse on the VM desktop and 1 of two things happen. My game goes a little berserk and cathes up to where it is and runs normally again, OR it just fucks out and swtor crashes.

      Is there any way for me to make VMware to continue to run the video of the swtor window so when I restore my VMware window from a minimized state it has not frozen and possibly crash due to what I believe is an accumulation of memory. If it is possible you can definitely PM me if you do not want the information public.


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